Autism Parent Support and Learning Group
Held the first Saturday of each month at the Arc of Franklin
129 W Fowlkes Street #151
Please contact us for information on upcoming meetings!
Innovations in Education Conference
March 14th-15th 2020
Atlanta, GA
Click Here for Tickets and Information
Dates TBD
Washington D.C., VA
Autism Research and Advocacy Resources
Blogs by Self-Advocates:
Ally and Advocacy Networks
International Association for Spelling as Communication (I-ASC)
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
United For Communication Choice (UCC)
Sensory-Motor Problems in Autism
Motor Coordination in ASD: A Synthesis and Meta-Analysis
Intrinsic Visual-Motor Synchrony Correlates with Social Deficits in Autism
News and Education Presentations:
The Washington Post-Gordy's Story